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Terms & conditions

About Us

The website is domiciled in Portugal and is owned by:

                  RTE, S.A.

                  Rua Caminho do Senhor, 755/776

                  Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

                  NIPC - PT 501444866

                  [email protected]

                  (+351) 22 753 6120


Terms of Use

These Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the beeq-bicycles website where you are located. By using the page, you agree to these terms of use; If you do not agree, do not use the page, please.


RTE, S.A. reserves the right, applying its own criteria, to change, modify, add or remove conditions of these Terms and Conditions of Use, without prior notice.


It is your responsibility to regularly consult these Terms and Conditions of Use to check for changes. Continued use of the page after changes are posted will indicate that you accept and agree to the changes.


As long as you browse in accordance with these Terms of Use, RTE, S.A. grants you the personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited privilege to access and use this Website.


Additionally and whenever you choose to purchase one of the products made available through this page, you are also declaring that:


Read and agreed to the terms and conditions presented;

You are 18 (eighteen) years of age or older;

Complies with the legal requirements for hiring and will use its own means of payment;

You will not use the website fraudulently, contrary to the law or good customs;

That the goods purchased are not intended for trade or resale.



All content (text, graphics, user interfaces, visual interfaces, photographs, trademarks, logos, sounds, music, graphics and computer code) are owned, controlled or licensed by RTE, SA and are protected by commercial copyright rules. , patents and other trademark law, and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws.


Except where expressly stated in these Terms of Use, it is not permitted to copy, reproduce, republish, send, publish, publicly present, encode, translate, transmit or otherwise distribute any part of the Page, or Content, to any other computer, server , website or any other medium, for publication or distribution, or for any commercial purposes, without explicit and written authorization from RTE, SA.


You can use information about Beeq-bicycles products, events and services. made available on this page for download, provided that:

  • do not remove any proprietary notice on all copies of such documents;
  • use such information solely for personal, non-commercial information purposes, and do not copy or publish such information on any networked computer or transmit it on any medium;
  • do not make any changes to the information;
  • do not make any representations or additional warranties related to such documents.


Your use of the page

You may not use any device, program, methodology, automatic algorithm or any similar or equivalent manual process to access, acquire, copy or monitor any part of the Page, or any Content, or reproduce or in any way circumvent the navigation structure or presentation of the Page, or any Content, to obtain or attempt to obtain any materials, documents or information through any means not purposely made available through the Page. RTE, S.A. reserves the right to prevent any such activity.


You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part or functionality of the Page, or to any other networks or systems connected to the Page, or to any server of RTE, SA, or to any of the services offered on the Page, or through it, through hacking, password exploitation or any other illegitimate means.


You may not probe, analyze or test the vulnerability of the Page, or any network connected to it, nor breach the security or authentication measures on the Page, or any network connected to the Page.


You may not seek, follow or attempt to follow any information about any other user or visitor to the Page, or any other Beeq-bicycles customer, including any account that does not belong to you, at its source, or to exploit the Page, or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Page, in any way in which the purpose is to reveal any information, including personal information or identification, other than your own information, as provided by the Page.


You agree that you will not take any action that imposes an unreasonable or unreasonable load large in the infrastructure of the Page, or systems, or networks of RTE, S.A., or any systems, or networks, connected to the Page, or RTE, S.A ..


You agree not to use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the correct functioning of the Page, or with any transaction carried out on the Page, or with the use of the Page by any other person.


You cannot forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers, in order to hide the origin of any message or transmission sent to RTE, S.A., on or through the Page, or any service offered, on or through the Page.


You may not pretend to be, or represent, another person, or imitate any other individual or entity.


You may not use the Page, or any Content, for any illegal purpose, or prohibited by these Terms of Use, or to request the performance of any illegal activity, or other activity that infringes the rights of RTE, S.A., or others.


Other terms and conditions

Additional terms and conditions may apply for specific features of the Page, the terms of which are included in these Terms of Use by this reference. You agree to comply with such terms and conditions, including, where applicable, representing that you are of legal age to use or participate in such service or functionality. If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the terms posted to or applicable to a specific portion of the Page, or for any service offered on or through the Page, the latter terms will govern the use of that portion of the Page or the specific service.


The obligations of RTE, S.A., if any, with respect to its solutions and services, are governed solely by the contracts for which they are provided, and nothing on this Page should be used to change such agreements.


RTE, S.A. may make changes to any products or services offered on the Site, or to the applicable prices for such products or services, at any time, without prior notice. The materials on the Page regarding solutions and services may be out of date, and RTE, S.A. does not make any commitment to update the materials.


Service Availability

The articles presented on this website are available for delivery only in Portugal and Germany.


Conclusion of the contract

To place an order, you must follow the online purchase procedure and click on «Pay», and you must first read and accept these Purchase Conditions. In doing so, you are entering into a purchase and sale agreement with us (the “Agreement”). You will subsequently receive an email acknowledging receipt of your order (the "Order Confirmation"). You will also receive an email, in which we will confirm that the order has been shipped (the “Shipping Confirmation”).


Product Availability

All product orders will be subject to product availability. In this sense, if there is any difficulty regarding the supply of products or if there are no items in stock, we will inform you immediately of the unavailability, and will refund any amount you may have paid within 14 days.


If the product is visible in the online store as "Out of Stock", the customer can request an email alert when the product is available again. Upon receiving this alert, Beeq-Bicycles guarantees delivery of the product to the customer within the specified time after receipt of payment for the order.


Description of articles

All articles on the website are described in the most rigorous and exhaustive way possible.


Users should pay special attention to the description of the articles. In case of any doubt or clarification, you should contact RTE, S.A., via email [email protected].


Note that the type of computer used, the color settings, internet browser or others, can cause changes in the colors shown in the photographs on the website, and may therefore differ from the actual colors. In the event of such a situation, RTE, S.A. declines any responsibility for such diferences.



Without prejudice to the provisions of Clause 8 on the availability of products, and unless there are extraordinary circumstances, we will try to ship the order for the products mentioned in each Order Confirmation, within a maximum of 5 to 7 working days from the date of the Confirmation Shipping.


The customer can monitor the status of the shipment through the platform of the carrier responsible for delivering the order. With the Shipping Confirmation, a link will be made available to the customer, allowing order tracking.


From here, you can follow the entire process, from the Beeq-Bicycles factory to delivery to the address previously indicated by the customer.


If we are unable to comply with the delivery date for reasons not arising from our responsibility, we will inform you of this circumstance giving you the option to continue with your purchase, establish a new delivery date, or cancel the order with a full refund of the amount paid , without prejudice to all other rights granted to it under the terms of the applicable legislation.


Impossibility of delivery

If it is impossible for us to deliver your order, we will leave a note indicating where your order is and what to do to have it delivered again. If you are not at the place of delivery at the agreed time, we ask that you contact us so that we can arrange delivery for another day. Please note that in case of non-delivery of the product within the stipulated period, you may be charged for the costs of storing the products and for new delivery attempts.


In-store delivery

If the customer chose the store delivery option, he will receive a notification from our service informing that the collection of the items is available.


The order can be picked up in person (by submitting the order number and a document proving your identity) or you can appoint another person to collect your order. In that case, the nominated person must present the application number and a document proving his identity.


Transfer of risks and ownership of products

The product risks will be borne by the customer from the moment of delivery. Without prejudice to the consumer's compliance with the terms of free termination of the contract, subject to the conditions contained in clause 16, the customer will acquire ownership of the products when, cumulatively, (i) we receive full payment of the amounts due in relation to them, including the shipping costs and (ii) the customer has already received our email with the "Shipping confirmation".


Price and payment

The price of each product will be the one that is stipulated, at each moment, on our website, except in case of evident error. Although we try to ensure that all prices on the page are correct, errors can occur. If we detect an error in the price of any of the products that the customer has ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and give you the option to confirm the order again with the correct price or to cancel it. If we are unable to contact the customer, the order will be canceled and the amount paid will be refunded in full.


We are not obliged to provide you with any product at the incorrect lower price (even if we have sent the Shipping Confirmation) if the error in the price is obvious and unambiguous and if it could reasonably have been recognized by the customer as being an incorrect price .


Prices on the page include VAT but do not include shipping, which will be added to the total amount of each purchase. Before completing the purchase, the price of the shipping costs will be detailed. You can view our table of Shipping Costs currently in effect


You will be able to pay with Visa, Mastercard, American Express and you will also be able to delete using Paypal. For purchases made in Portugal, payment via ATM is also available.


The charge on your card will occur immediately, that is, the moment you make the Purchase.


The invoice of the purchase made shall be issued no later than 5 business days after the moment the tax is due as per definition provided in Article 7 of the VAT Code.


Buy as a guest

This website also allows you to purchase through the guest purchase feature. In this type of purchase, only the essential data is required to be able to place your order. Once the purchase process is finished, you will be offered the possibility to register as a user or continue as an unregistered user.


Right of free withdrawal, return and refunds

If, for any reason, the customer is not satisfied with the products, he can terminate the contract within 14 days of receipt of the order, with the customer being refunded of all amounts, meanwhile paid.


However, charges on behalf of the customer are the costs of transporting the return of the order. The return is always made with the same packaging, so the customer must keep the packaging for a period of 14 days after delivery of the product. Failure to comply with this condition will result in the customer incurring increased costs with the return of the product, due to the need to purchase packaging that guarantees the return of the item in perfect condition and that is previously accepted by RTE - S.A ..


The products purchased at, are products that integrate components subject to wear and tear, which can be seen with their first use. For this reason, the customer cannot terminate the contract from the moment he uses the products. RTE, S.A. reserves the right to refuse to return products that have evidence of having been used.


The customer will always be notified when purchasing any of these goods and at a time prior to the completion of the order of these restrictions on the right of withdrawal.


In order to exercise its right to terminate the contract, the user may, by any means, communicate this intention to RTE, S.A. namely:


Via email to [email protected], communicating, in any words, your intention to terminate the contract, indicating, for this purpose, the order number that was provided with the Order Confirmation. If you do not wish to terminate the contract for all items in the order, you must also describe the references of the items covered by the termination of the contract;


If you are a registered user, access your reserved area of ​​our website and follow the instructions provided.


Through the contract termination form available in the Order Confirmation email, and later sent to [email protected] or to the following address: Rua Caminho do Senhor, 755, 4410-014, Serzedo.


After receiving the request for termination of the contract, RTE, S.A. will confirm the resolution to the client by email, where it will inform all the procedures to be carried out by the client.


The customer must return the item within 14 days of receiving this email, under penalty of RTE, SA not accepting the termination of the contract. If the goods are not received by RTE, SA within that period of 14 days, the The customer will be contacted by email in order to demonstrate, within 72 hours, documents that the goods have been returned in the indicated period. If the customer does not demonstrate, by means of documents, that the goods have been returned, RTE, S.A. reserves the right not to accept the termination of the contract.


Refunds will be processed within 14 days of receipt by RTE of returned items and respective quality control.


RTE, S.A. reserves the right to refuse to receive items whose return has not been previously authorized.


RTE, S.A. will not accept the return of articles that do not respect the procedures of the terms and conditions and return policies. Such items will be returned to the sender, to the address of the original shipment, at the customer's expense.


In the case of orders paid by credit card, the refunded amount will be available in the customer's card account. The refund processing time may vary depending on the credit card company. The value of orders paid through Paypal will be refunded to the original account.



The privacy policy of RTE, S.A. applies to the use of this Page, and its terms are included in these Terms of Use by this reference. To view the RTE, S.A. privacy policy, click here:


In addition, by using the Site, you acknowledge and agree that transmissions over the Internet are never completely private or secure.


You understand that any message or information sent to the Page may be read or intercepted by others, even if there is a special notice that that particular transmission (for example, credit card information) is encrypted.



The website uses cookies. To find out more about our cookie policy, click here.


Links to other pages and to the RTE, S.A. page


This Page may contain links to other pages of independent third parties (Linked Pages). These Linked Pages are provided solely for the convenience of our visitors. The Linked Pages are not under the control of RTE, S.A., and RTE, S.A. is not responsible for, nor does it recommend, the content of such Linked Pages, including any information or materials contained in those Linked Pages. You must make your own independent judgment regarding your interaction with these Linked Pages.


Legal notices

RTE, S.A. does not promise that the page or any content, services or features of the page will be free from errors or interruptions, or that any defects will be corrected, or that your use of the page will provide specific results. The page and its contents are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis.

All information provided on the page is subject to change without notice. RTE, S.A. cannot guarantee that any files or other data downloaded from the page will be free of viruses or contamination or destructive features.

RTE, S.A. disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any guarantees of accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

RTE, S.A. declines any and all responsibility for the acts, omission actions and conduct of third parties in connection with, or related to, your use of the website and / or any RTE, S.A services.

The user assumes full responsibility for their use of the page and any linked pages. Your only solution against RTE, S.A. for dissatisfaction with the page or any content is to stop using the page or any content. This limitation or remedy is part of the agreement between the parties.

The above legal notice applies to any damages, liability or injuries caused by any failure in performance, error, omission, interruption, elimination, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, malfunction of the communication line, theft or destruction, unauthorized access, alteration, or use, whether for breach of contract, civil offense, negligence or any other cause of action.

RTE, S.A. reserves the right to carry out any of the following procedures, at any time, without prior notice:

modify, suspend or cancel the use or access to the Page, or any part of the Page, for any reason;
modify or alter the Page, or any part of the Page and any applicable policies or terms;
interrupt the operation of the Page, as necessary to carry out maintenance operations, routine or not, correction of errors or other changes.


Limitation of liability

Except as otherwise provided by law, in no case will RTE, S.A. be liable for any indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental or punitive damages, including loss of profit, even if RTE, S.A. has been alerted to the possibility of such damages.



The user agrees to indemnify and hold RTE, SA, its representatives, directors, predecessors, successors and employees responsible for any demands, losses, claims or expenses (including expenses with lawyers), presented against RTE, SA by a third party due to , arising out of, or in connection with your use of the Page.


Violation of these terms of use

RTE, SA may disclose any information it has about you (including your identity) if it determines that such disclosure is necessary in connection with any investigation or complaint regarding your use of the Site, or to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing damage, or interfering with (intentionally or unintentionally) the rights or property of RTE, SA, or with the rights or property of visitors or users of the Page, including customers of RTE, SA.

RTE, S.A. always reserves the right to disclose any information it deems necessary to comply with any applicable law, rule, legal process or government request.

RTE, S.A. may also disclose your information when it determines that the applicable law requires or permits such disclosure, including the exchange of information with other companies or organizations, for reasons of protection against fraud.


Applicable law, Dispute resolution and Mediation

The user agrees that all matters related to his access to the Page, including all disputes, will be governed by the laws of the Portuguese State, regardless of his conflicts of law provisions. Any claim under these Terms of Use must be filed within one (1) year after the cause of the action arises.

No recovery for damages other than expenses due will not be required or received, except when the relevant party is entitled to costs and expenses with lawyers.

In the event of a dispute or dispute between RTE, S.A. and the user, arising from, or related to, the use of the Site, the parties shall promptly and in good faith attempt to resolve any dispute.

If it is not possible for us to resolve such dispute, within a reasonable period of time (not exceeding thirty (30) days), then either party may submit such dispute or dispute for mediation.

The client also always has the right to resort to alternative means of dispute resolution, being competent, in the geographic area of ​​the location of RTE, S.A .:


Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center - Porto (CICAP)

Address: Rua Damião de Góis 31, Loja 6, 4050-225 Porto

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 225 508 349


You can consult the updated list of Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities available under article 17 of Law no. 144/2015, of 8 September, on the Consumer Portal, through the website

If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation and the client does not want to use the arbitration provided by CICAP, then the parties are free to follow any right or solution available under applicable law.

The competence to settle any dispute in Court is attributed to the Civil Courts from Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.